Mcgregor theory x and y pdf file download

The present research investigates whether xy attitudes and xy behaviorsexamined as two distinct constructsare. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. The idea behind using letters x and y, perhaps seems to be using a neutral terminology, which does not convey any sense of badness or goodness associated with these theories. According to mcgregor, the function of motivating people involves certain assumptions about human nature. Theory xy douglas mcgregor and theory z william ouichi theory x an authoritarian style of management the average worker dislikes work.

To start off with, heres a brief definition of mcgregors theory x and theory y. This refers to an authoritarian management style, where reward and punishment is seen as the best way to motivate employees to meet objectives. Theory x and theory y, introduced in the book and are known for management and human motivation. Hereafter, we refer to mcgregors theorizing as theory xy. Control, achievement and continuous improvement achieved by enabling, empowering and giving responsibility. Managers generally have one of two perspectives regarding their employees. In his 1960 book, the human side of enterprise, mcgregor proposed two theories by which managers perceive and address employee. Essentially theory x and theory y describe two opposing views of people at work that will influence management style.

I knew instinctively that mcgregor s assessment of the traditional view management, which he names theory x, was true because i had worked in x environments for years, trying to run y divisions. Mcgregor s six assumptions of theory y and his ideas of integrating individual and organization goals are congruent with the main planks in. Theory, 3 mcgregors x y theories, and 4 mcclellands need for achievement theory. From this experience the greater formulated two sets of assumptions about human nature theory x, which is a pessimistic view of employees and theory y which is a modern and positive set of assumptions about people at work.

Yet the effect of xy attitudes on job performance has never been empirically demonstrated. Mcgregors x y theory remains a valid basic principle from which to. Mcgregors work was rooted in motivation theory alongside the works of abraham maslow, who created the hierarchy of needs. An exploratory study of the relationships between theory x. Douglas mcgregor has developed a theory of motivation of the basis of hypotheses relating to human behaviour. He referred to these opposing motivational methods as theory x and theory y management. His work showed that thoughts and beliefs might influence behavio. Mcgregor argued that these assumptions fall into two broad categories theory x and theory y. Many years ago a professor named mcgregor dubbed these perspectives theory x and theory y. Introduced by douglas mcgregor, theory x and theory y talk about the diverging views that exist about how organizations function. Social psychologist mcgregors theoryx and theoryyof mit expounded two contrasting theories on human motivation and management in the 1960s. He did not imply that workers would be one type or the other. Theory xy douglas mcgregor and theory z william ouichi. Our work is empirically contributory by providing a constructvalid measure of theory xy managerial assumptions.

First, there has been a failure to distinguish between theory xy attitudes and theory xy behaviors. Douglas mcgregors theory x and theory y essay 847 words 4 pages. One of which is negative, called as theory x and the other is positive. Theory x and theory y framework proposed by mcgregor in his classic book the human side of enterprise 1960 consists of two alternative set of assumptions. A multilevel, multisource analysis article pdf available in journal of managerial issues 2714.

Mcgregor developed a philosophical view of humankind with his theory x and theory y in 1960. They were created by douglas mcgregor while he was working at the mit sloan school of management in the 1950s, and developed further in the 1960s. The three prior studies that have made this distinction were recently conducted solely to develop constructvalid measures of both. Download pdf douglas mcgregor revisited free online. Leaders know best, and should closely direct actions taken by staff, with little room for independence and responsibility. X and consider using the techniques suggested by theory y.

The relationship between mcgregors xy theory management. Mcgregor s x y theory is a natural rule for managing people. Therefore most people must be motivated by forcedbribed with the threat of punishment or a reward to produce effort and work towards organizational objectives. He was a strong supporter of theories x and y, and he put theory y that people want to work, achieve and take responsibility into practice in a californian electronics factory.

Dogan unlucan mcgregor theories x and theory y student. Theory into practice abraham maslow viewed mcgregor as a mentor. These labels describe contrasting set of assumptions about human nature. Theory x and theory y in 1960, douglas mcgregor formulated theory x and theory y suggesting two aspects of human behaviour at work, or in other words, two different views of individuals employees. Mcgregors theory x and y is a salutary and simple remainder of the natural rules for managing people, which under the pressure of daytoday business are all too easily forgotten.

Mcgregor developed two theories of human behaviour at work. Theory x percieves employees to be lazy, irresponsible and untrustworthy, while according to theory y employees are approached as one of the most valuable assets of the company. Mcgregor theory x and y pdf the xy theory diagram and measurement tool below pdf and doc versions are adaptations of mcgregors ideas for modern organizations, management and. Pdf leadership style and organizational performance have been researched extensively. Mcgregor promoted theory y as the basis of good management practice, pioneering the argument that workers are not merely cogs in the company machinery, as theory xtype organizations seemed to believe. Read online the relationship between mcgregors xy theory management.

His work is based upon maslows hierarchy of needs, where he grouped the hierarchy into lowerorder needs theory x and higherorder needs theory y. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so dont worry about it. The two theories are sets of propositions and beliefs about human nature. His theory x and theory y was detailed in the human side of enterprise, published in 1960. Download the relationship between mcgregors xy theory management. Mcgregors famous distinction between theory x and theory y. Features of mcgregors theory x and theory y of motivation.

Gregor formulated theory x and theory y suggesting two aspects of human behaviour at work, or in other words, two different views of individuals employees. Mcgregors theory x and theory y are theories about human behavior and motivation in the organization that was published in 1960 by douglas mcgregor. Mcgregors theory x and theory y from wiki theory x in this theory, management assumes employees are inherently lazy, dislike work, and will avoid it if they can. Rather, he saw the two theories as two extremes with a whole spectrum of possible behaviours in between. Pdf theory x and theory y published in the sage encyclopedia. The present study explored the possibility that mcgregors 1960 theory xy assumptions serve as cognitive determinants of superior communicator style, a multidimensional set of style variables that can have considerable effects on subordinate wellbeing and organizational viability. Mcgregors xy theory is a natural rule for managing people. In mcgregors evaluation, theory y produced markedly better results in productivity and other measurable areas. Mcgregors ideas suggest that there are two fundamental approaches to managing people. Mcgregors theory x and theory y theory of motivation. This lesson goes over these additional learning goals. Mcgregor s ideas suggest that there are two fundamental approaches to managing people.

Theory x and theory y are theories of human work motivation and management. Theory, 3 mcgregor s x y theories, and 4 mcclellands need for achievement theory. In the 1960s, douglas murray mcgregor, a famous mit professor of management wrote a book named the human side of enterprise in which he analyzed the various behaviors of professionals at work. Pdf douglas mcgregors landmark book, the human side of enterprise. Many managers tend towards theory x, and generally get poor. This theory divides workers and managers in the organization in two typical groups according to how managers lead their subordinates and respectively how subordinates behave character of the manager or worker corresponding to the.

Douglas mcgregor 1906 1964 was a lecturer at harvard university and became the first sloan fellows professor at mit. My boss asks me politely to do things, gives me reasons why, and invites my suggestions. They were created by douglas mcgregor while he was working at the mit. In his 1960 management book, the human side of enterprise, douglas mcgregor made his mark on the history of organizational management and motivational psychology when he proposed the two theories by which managers perceive employee motivation. The idea that a managers attitude has an impact on employee motivation was originally proposed by douglas mcgregor, a management professor at the massachusetts institute of technology during the 1950s and 1960s. Douglas mcgregors theory x and theory y of motivation.

Mcgregor maintained that there two fundamental approaches to managing people. According to mcgregor, organizations with a theory x approach tend to have several tiers of managers and supervisors to oversee and direct workers. Theory x and theory y team management training from. Les theories x et y sont des theories developpees dans les annees 1960 par douglas mcgregor. A new theory is discovered, explored for a while, and then usually abandoned when the going gets rough or uninteresting. Mcgregors theory x and theory y mcgregors theory x and. Douglas mcgregor has developed two sets of assumptions about human behaviour. Mcgregors theoryx and theoryy what is human resource. Xy theory questionnaire score the statements 5 always, 4 mostly, 3 often, 2 occasionally, 1 rarely, 0 never to indicate whether the situation and management style is x or y. First, there has been a failure to distinguish between theory x y attitudes and theory x y behaviors.

Pdf theory x and theory y type leadership behavior and its. Theory x management style generally get poor results compare with managers use theory y, which produces better performance and results, and allows people to grow and develop. In his view, management approaches could be roughly broken down into two theories theory x, which held a negative idea of employee motivations. There are two alternative sets of assumptions which mcgregor has. In 1895, it was here that his grandfather, thomas mcgregor started his business and given its name as, mcgregor institute. Douglas mcgregors theory x and theory y biography of douglas mcgregor douglas mcgregor was born on 1906 in detroit, america.